Ian is 5 months old today! He is such a good baby and is very happy most of the time. His colic days seem to be long gone. And, we are having fewer spit up episodes. I'm so glad he is outgrowing the reflux, and I'm glad I decided not to put him on Prevacid. It wasn't always easy in those early months, but I'm just glad I didn't give him an unnecessary Rx.
Here is what Ian is up to these days:
Ian loves the "entertainment piano". He loves to stand in there. He is working on his leg muscles!
Ian loves to sit up. He does not like to lay down. We just moved him to the big car seat (rear facing). He was getting way too heavy for the infant carrier. And quite frankly, he did not like being in it.
He tries to talk, and loves someone to "talk" back to him. He also loves to scream--sometimes he sounds like a peacock. I think he has discovered his voice.
He loves to chew on blankets, bibs, his lovie, or anything soft. He is still working on cutting his first tooth.
His eyes are still blue. I think they might stay blue.
He is about 18 pounds / wears size 3 diapers / 6-12 month clothes.
We tried rice cereal this month, but he did not like it. I will try again sometime later this month. He was more interested in chewing on the bib.

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