Friday, May 21, 2010

End of the Year Party & Program - Sterling



Sterling had his last day of preschool and program.  I really wish I had been able to record the program.  I am hoping to get a copy from one of the other parents.  Sterling sang extremely loud, and of course he was right by the microphone.  The entire crowd was laughing, so that encouraged him to get even louder.  He loved it!  I was laughing so hard--I was in tears at the end of his song.  He was such a little “rock star”.  I’m not sure where all this came from (maybe it was the tie!), but he really loved to perform.

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His sweet friend Victoria!


Wonderful teachers – Ms. Carol and Ms. Danielle!


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Zoo Field Trip – Avery

Since Ian was born, I have not been able to do much with Avery at school.  Thankfully, my mom took care of Ian and Sterling last Friday while I was a chaperone on Avery’s class field trip.  We went to the zoo.  It was hot, but lots of fun.  



Avery holding her nose!  It stinks! :-)



The baby elephant was born a week and a half before we were there.  He was sleeping on the ground, and his parents were “standing guard”.

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Water Day! - Sterling

It’s that time of year. . .the school year is winding down.  Sterling’s preschool had a fun water day last week.  There was lots of shaving cream, fun, and of course—water!  Even the teachers got into the fun.

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MMMM!  This is soooo good Mom!  Ian ate the whole ice pop!

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Sterling showing off his “muscles”!


2nd Grade Musical - Avery

I’m finally getting around to posting pictures from Avery’s 2nd Grade Musical, “It’s a Jungle Out There”.  She and her classmates did a great job!  Avery was a rhino, which is also the school mascot.

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Ian – riding the rhino outside the school.

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