Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting Ready for Ian! - Part 3

I found this list on Babycenter of what to bring to hospital. You think I would have an idea after already having done this twice before. Well, I do, but I just thought it would be interesting to see what they recommend:

For labor
• Your birth plan. DO NOT HAVE ONE
• Your insurance card and any hospital paperwork you need. CHECK
• Your eyeglasses CHECK
• Toiletries. CHECK
• A bathrobe, nightgown, slippers, and a couple of pairs of socks. CHECK
• Something light to read, if you're so inclined. CHECK - I'm reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" for the 4th or 5th time.
• Massage oils or lotions, music, an extra pillow, whatever you need to help you relax. PILLOW & IPOD - CHECK
• Talismans, a picture of someone or something you love, anything you find reassuring. NOT BRINGING (JUST MORE TO PACK)

For your partner/labor coach
• Money for parking and change for vending machines. - I'LL LET JUAN HANDLE THIS.
• A few basic toiletries, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. - JUAN IS NOT STAYING OVERNIGHT.
• A change of clothes. - JUAN IS NOT STAYING OVERNIGHT.
• Some snacks and something to read during the early stages. - I'LL LET HIM FIGURE THIS OUT.
• A camera/video camera with memory card and batteries (or film or tape). CHECK (Hopefully Juan will actually take some pictures--he's not very good at that.
• A bathing suit. If your partner wants to take a bath or shower during labor, you may want to jump in with her. - I LAUGHED AT THIS. THIS WILL NOT BE HAPPENING!
• A fresh nightgown, if you prefer to wear your own. - CHECK
• Snacks! - CHECK
• A nursing bra, breast pads, and maternity underwear. - CHECK
• Your address book and prepaid phone card or cell phone. - CELL PHONE - CHECK
• A going-home outfit. - CHECK

For your baby
• An infant car seat. You can't drive your baby home without one! In fact, you'll want to have the seat properly installed ahead of time, and you'll want to know exactly how to correctly buckle in your baby. - CHECK

Check out our THEN (2002) / NOW (2009) Picture of our backseat.

I'm not sure how long this is going to work. We've been looking at cars with a middle row or pass through to the 3rd row. And, I'm not sure I like that Sterling is sitting so close to Ian. Hopefully, he will be nice.

• A going-home outfit - CHECK
• A receiving blanket (a heavy one if the weather's cold)- CHECK
• A cap (although they'll usually give you one at the hospital)- CHECK

I'm also bringing gift's from Ian for Avery and Sterling. (See earlier post on Nintendo DS).

And, the Cord Blood Kit.

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