Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease / Strep Throat

Sunday morning after church, we picked up the kids from my parent's house.  Ian was very clingy, and my mom said he was very grouchy all weekend and didn't eat much.  And, she thought he might have had a fever on Friday night.  I noticed he had a bunch of bites (or what I thought) were ant bites all over his feet, hands, and legs.  He kept complaining that his feet hurt.  He was miserable all day Sunday and into the night.  The rash was spreading all over his little body.  They are turning into little blisters, and he is very itchy.  He would not sit still very long for me to get good pictures. . .

 Blisters near his mouth / chin


We began preparing for Avery to go to camp on Monday.  She was all packed and ready to go.  But, in the night she woke up with a horrible headache and fever.

So, we headed to the pediatrician on Monday for Avery and Ian's appointment.  While we were there, Sterling started complaining his throat hurt.  Turns out that Avery and Sterling both have strep throat.  And, Ian has hand, foot, and mouth disease.  Ian's is a viral infection that just has to run its course.  The pediatrician said the rash can last for 7 days, and he is contagious.  And just as we were returning from the doctor and entering the neighborhood, Sterling started throwing up.  Avery later threw up, but I think it was from the antibiotic.

So, we are stuck at the house and sadly, Avery is missing camp.  She was so looking forward to going to camp with her friend, Taylor.  The camp offered to reschedule for next week, but Avery is not comfortable going by herself.  I feel very bad for Avery. . .her birthday did not turn out as planned, and now this.  I told her that maybe we could do a mother/daughter camp in the fall.

Here is a picture of what our living room has looked like the last couple of days. . .Avery and Sterling asleep, and Ian starting to feel better.

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